Friday, September 02, 2011

Long Weekend Plans

We discovered the wonders of this week, so will be rendering a digital plan of our own this weekend (something less detailed than the one below) to use come move-time.

(Image from

We may tape one just to the front door or decide to put one on each level to help our movers figure out what goes where on moving day. We've labelled each box and piece of furniture, so we'll correspond the floor plan labels to the labels we've already slapped on what we've packed.

On that note, plenty of packing is ahead of us this long weekend.  The goal is to finish our top floor (everything but our bedroom and bathroom essentials) and move on to the basement to pack up the office, tv room, laundry room, and 'man/work' room.  If there's time, and if the weather's good, we hope to also put a good dent in clearing out the garage and shed as well as the front and back yards.

Here's an 'in progress' shot of packing up our closet/what one bedroom looks like at the moment:

Back next week with a progress report after this weekend's efforts, the packing 'process' post we promised (some tricks and shortcuts we've come up with that are making this pack-up smoother than in the past), and an 'our book' update.

And this is it - the last long weekend of summer, friends!

(Juno likes long weekends)

What have you got planned?

Whatever it is, we hope you enjoy it!

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