Thursday, September 01, 2011

Can You 'Spot' Them?

Do you see it?  Those purple spots around Juno's left shoulder?

Let's take a blurrier closer look:

What is that?  Paint?  Some weird purple skin infection?  No, my friends.  That is red wine.  Drops of red wine on our dog.  Oops.

Well at least she can't reach around to have a taste.  Nothing short of a bath is going to get this out.  Good thing we haven't packed our bathing suits just yet (she's a bit heavy to lift into the tub, so we bathe her in the shower in our suits).

Bookshelf update!

I'm happy to report that I adored Secret Daughter.  It was sooo good!  My only disappointment is that this is the author's first book, so I'll have to wait a while for something new.  But so it.

I also finished The Help.  It was good, but not great.  I did stick to my goal of finishing the book before the movie came out.

Still on the bookshelf are The Happiness Project and The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid.  I'm still waiting for my 'hold' email to come in from the library on the latter.  So that might be next......

but after the ones I've started in the meantime! - The Truth About Delilah Blue and Inside of a Dog. I also spotted a copy of Cormac McCarthy's The Road on a recent trip to the used bookstore, so I picked that up for my shelf too.

I definitely don't have a shortage of good characters to keep me company as we edge into fall.

(Juno and her fall blanket)

How about you? What literary company are you keeping? Any new favourites? Or revisited classics?

An 'our book' update will also be coming soon.

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