Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bookshelf Update

So I've finished two of the six books from my summer bookshelf.

Water for Elephants - I give it a solid A. This was a wonderful book. I had trouble putting it down and read it pretty quickly. Definitely one I'd recommend for readers of all tastes. My only wish is that it had a sequel - so much is left 'in between'. When you read the book, you'll know what I mean. I'll certainly be renting the movie.

The Cellist of Sarajevo - I give it a firm B. Heavy, but to be expected given the subject matter. It doesn't really go anywhere, but provides a chilling narrative of the war in Bosnia in the early '90s.

I've started Secret Daughter and I'm hooked, three chapters in. I'd wager that this will be another solid favourite. I'll be back with a substantiated verdict soon!

Happy reading!

(Image from here)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


It's for reasons like this that we're writing this book.  

I'll be back soon with updates on progress from this week!

"Every puppy should have a boy" - Erma Bombeck

Monday, July 11, 2011

Making Connections

I'm sniffing out some leads on potential local connections for our book this week...via a local author and her illustrator and publisher.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes!  I'll be back with the report later this week.

And tomorrow in the kitchen - Fresh Raspberry Bars - summer in a baking dish.

(also via)

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Of Outings and Outages

I did make it to the library yesterday - a little later than planned because of a power outage.

While I felt eerily trapped in - with wet hair, access to whatever was in the cupboard for breakfast so we could keep the fridge closed, an analog phone (we still have one for situations like this!), and no working connection to the internet, we made the best of it!

After Adam left for work, Juno and I read.  A good old fashioned book.  On the couch.  With hot tea...(thanks to our gas stove!).

Two hours later, our house jolted back onto the grid.

I headed for the library.  Unfortunately - a huge disappointment.  I'm chalking it up to being a small local branch with limited collections.  I did find some great kids' book series (research for our book) and put a hold on the Bill Bryson book that I have my eye on for over the summer.  The other books on my summer list all have 400+ readers ahead of me on the 'holds' lists.  Guess I'll be waiting for a while.

On the plus side, I did find some cute robin's egg blue flats while I was out. Excellent!

Where do you get your books?  Do you borrow, buy?  Have you ever seen a waiting list that long?

Monday, July 04, 2011

Rediscovering the Public Library

I haven't been to the public library in years.   

I remember childhood afternoons well spent in a quiet corner of the library, my back against a shelf, my knees up against my chest, holding my latest selection close.

When I got full on books, I'd load what I couldn't devour at the library into my bag - that canvas one that smelled like summer - an old delightful blend of sunscreen and good books.  Perfect.

I'm going back tomorrow.  I'll write about how it goes.

I may have to get a new bag.  And a library card.

"I know every book of mine by its smell, and I have but to put my nose between the pages to be reminded of all sorts of things." 
-George Robert Gissing

(Images found here and here)