Tuesday, March 13, 2012

P52uesday WEEK 11

Back again (on the right day!) for another week of P52, our photo-a-week-for-a-year project. You can read all about the series and self-imposed challenge here.

Here we go with week 11:

Depressing, ominous, shadow-y photo? I THINK NOT! This photo is a darn cause for celebration! 


there is no snow left on our deck!!! We can see wood and grass and deck rails. 

This, my friends, is fantastically exciting when you live in a climate of six-month-winters! 

It's kind of like winter winter winter winter winter winter...springsummerfall. So we're heading into springsummerfall! Woohoo!

Hope you're all enjoying everything March is bringing you too!

Happy 2uesday

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha springsummerfall... SO TRUE! Isn't it crazy getting spring in March though?? I'm hoping it's not just a huge tease (even though I will be escaping this climate SOON! haha) ;)
